To The Ends Of The EartH

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In the last days, instruction will go forth from Zion...

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Subject Index

This index is a list of the major topic categories discussed on our website, our blogs, and our YouTube channel. For a more detailed search of our website, go to our Search Page.


Where is Sodom? (New Church Video with new research)

Sodom and Gomorrah (Article)

The Binding of Isaac (Article)

Abraham and the Three Men (New Church)

What did Abraham know of the Law (Torah) of God? (Q&A)

The Promised Seed of Abraham (Q&A)

The Binding of Isaac and the Site of Calvary (Q&A)

What is the Importance of Shechem? (Q&A)

Angel of the Lord

(see also Jesus)

The Angel of the Lord: A List of Verses (Blog)

The Prophet Like Moses (Article)

Sodom and Gomorrah (Article, 2nd half)

Crossing the Red Sea (Article, 2nd half)

Jacob’s Trip to Haran and Back (New Church)

Jacob’s Vision at Bethel (New Church)

Abraham and the Three Men (New Church)

How does the Holy Spirit fit into the Trinity? (Q&A)

Is God Three? (Q&A)


(see also Angel of the Lord, Sons of God)

The Sons of God in Genesis 6:2-4  (Blog)


Who is the Antichrist? (Blog)

Anti-Semitism, Anti-Judaism

The Man with the Inkwell (Article)

Why Should Christians Care about the Jewish Roots of Christianity? (Article, 2nd half)

Antonia Fortress

The Temples that Jerusalem Forgot (Review)


Dead Sea Scrolls and the Apocrypha (Q&A)

Eden in Baghdad? (part 2:

Are there books that were not included in the Bible?) (Q&A)


What Happened to the Apostles? (Q&A)


(see Jordan River)

Ark of Noah

(see also Noah, Laws of Noah)

The Laws of Noah (Article)

Armenians, Ararat

The Laws of Noah (Article)


The Chapel of the Ascension in Jerusalem (Blog)

Babel, Tower of

The Tower of Babel (Article)

The Tower of Babel (New Church)


Are Babies and Young Children Saved? (Q&A)

Will Babies be Born in the Millennium? (Q&A)


The Baptism of Jesus (Article)

The Washing of Water with the Word (Article)

Infant Baptism? (Q&A)

Is Baptism Essential to Salvation? (Q&A)

What Kind of Water is in the Jewish Ritual Bath (Mikveh)? (Q&A)

Baptism for the Dead? (Q&A)

Infant Baptisms at Philippi? (Q&A)

Baptism by Pouring or Immersion? (Q&A)

The Jewish Roots of Baptism (Q&A)

Questions About Baptism (Q&A)

Bar Mitzvah

Bar Mitzvah for Gentiles? (Q&A)

Beatific Vision

Why Should Christians Care about the Jewish Roots of Christianity? (Article, 2nd half)


(see Dinosaurs)


The Tithe and Other Taxes (Article)


Where Does the Bible Come From? (New Church)


Was Peter Black? (Q&A)

Slavery and the Bible (Q&A)

Body of Messiah

The Promised Seed of Abraham (Q&A)

Bosom of Abraham

(see Paradise)


Seasons in Israel (Q&A)

The Dates of Events in the Hebrew Bible (Q&A)


The Binding of Isaac and the Site of Calvary (Q&A)


Prosperity (Article)


The Chariot (Article)


Like Little Children (Article)

Are Babies and Young Children Saved? (Q&A)


(see also Epiphany)

Should Christians Celebrate Christmas or Not? (Q&A)


When to Circumcise? (Q&A)

Cleanness, Ritual

Clean and Unclean (Article)

Should Gentile Christians Gradually Conform to the Law of Moses? (Q&A)

The Jewish Roots of Baptism (Q&A)


Marriage, Divorce, and Singleness (Article)


Evidence of the Creation (Seminar)

Dinosaurs in the Bible (Article)

Confused about Global Warming? Ask a Geologist (Blog)

The Spirit of God was Hovering over the Surface of the Water (Blog)

Abraham’s Bosom (part 3) (Q&A)

Cross, sign of the

The Man with the Inkwell (Article, 2nd half)

The Tav Mark (Q&A)

When did the Tav Mark Start to Look Like a Cross? (Q&A)


(see also Jesus)

Jesus’ Last Week: Crucifixion and Resurrection (New Church)

The Rod of an Almond Tree in God’s Master Plan (Review, 2nd half)

Did Jesus Die Before Pesach (Passover)? (Q&A)

Was Jesus Crucified on a Friday? (Q&A)

Who Killed Jesus? (Q&A)


Belshazzar and the Writing on the Wall (New Church)


(see also Psalms)

David and Bathsheba (Article)

David’s Ill-fated Census (Q&A)

Dead Sea

Sodom and Gomorrah (Article)

Dead Sea Scrolls

(see also Qumran)

Where Do You Fit into History? (New Church, middle)

Dead Sea Scrolls and the Apocrypha (Q&A)


Dinosaurs in the Bible (Article)


(see Marriage)


(see Dinosaurs)


Eden in Baghdad? (part 1) (Q&A)

Edersheim, Alfred

Understanding Alfred Edersheim’s “The Law in Messianic Times” (Blog)


The Book of Ephesians (Article)

The Washing of Water with the Word (Eph. 5:26) (Article)

To The Ephesians (Booklet)


The Gifts of the Wise Men (Q&A)

Should Christians Celebrate Christmas or Not? (Q&A)


(see Qumran)

Exodus from Egypt

Crossing the Red Sea (Article)

The Search for the Real Mt. Sinai (Review)

Ron Wyatt and the Exodus (Q&A)

Was the Feast of Unleavened Bread Celebrated at the Time of the Exodus? (Q&A)

Is Jabel El Laws Mt. Sinai? (Q&A)

Sinai or Saudi Arabia? (Q&A)

North Sinai and the Gulf of Aqaba en route to Mt. Sinai? (Q&A)

Three Days to the Sea of Reeds? (Q&A)

Change in the Desert, Reeds in the Sea? (Q&A)

Bones and Chariot Wheels in the Gulf of Aqaba? (Q&A)


The Man with the Inkwell (Article)

The Chariot (Article)

The Man Dressed in Linen (Eze. 8-9) (New Church)

Has Ezekiel 40-48 been fulfilled? (Q&A)

Father God

(see Trinity, Tri-unity, Yahweh)

Feeding of the 5,000

Who is the Messiah? (Article)

Flags and Banners

Flags and Banners (Q&A)


What did Paul mean in his rebuke of Peter in Galatians 2:11-14? (Q&A)


The Tithe and Other Taxes (Article)

Gap Theory

Abraham’s Bosom (part 3) (Q&A)

Garden Tomb

(see Calvary, site of)

Garden of Eden

(see Eden)

Genealogy of Jesus

Is Jesus Eligible to be the Messiah? (Article)

Why a Genealogy for Joseph? (Q&A)

Is Joseph Jesus’ Father? (Q&A)


Hell, Hades, and Gehenna: A List of Verses (Blog)

What is the Eternal Destiny of the Human Soul? (New Church)

The Final Judgment (Q&A)

Gentile Christians

(see also Laws of Noah, The Ten Tribes of Israel)

The Jewish Roots of Christianity (Seminar)

The Laws of Noah (Article)

Gentile Christians and Israel (New Church)

Gentiles in the Law of Moses (New Church)

Messianic Gentiles? (Q&A)

Messianic Israel (Q&A)

The Three Exceptions: Theological necessity or practical concession? (Q&A)

Israelites or Gentiles? (Q&A)

Must Gentile Christians Obey the Law of Moses? (Q&A)

Is Obedience to the Law of Moses Required of Gentile Christians? (Q&A)

Is the Church under a Curse for not Obeying the Law of Moses (Q&A)

The Two House Movement (Q&A)

Children of Noah, Children of Abraham? (Q&A)

Should Gentile Christians Gradually Conform to the Law of Moses? (Q&A)

Gentile Christians and Messianic Jewish Fellowships (Q&A)

Why aren’t all the Laws of Noah mentioned in Acts 15? (Q&A)

What did Abraham know of the Law (Torah) of God? (Q&A)

Bar Mitzvah for Gentiles? (Q&A)

Is the New Covenant only with Israel and Judah? (Q&A)

Sabbath for Gentiles? (Q&A)

Was Early Christiantiy a Mystery Religion? (Q&A)

Gihon Spring

The Temples that Jerusalem Forgot (Review)

Golan Heights

Who is the Messiah? (Article)

The Prophet Like Moses (Article)

The Tithe and Other Taxes (Article)


Hell, Hades, and Gehenna: A List of Verses (Blog)

What is the Eternal Destiny of the Human Soul? (New Church)

Can the Gospel be Preached to the Dead? (Article)

The Final Judgment (Q&A)


Hanukkah Lights (Q&A)

Head Coverings

Prayer Shawls and Head Coverings (Q&A)


(see also Prophecy)

Why Should Christians Care about the Jewish Roots of Christianity? (Article, 2nd half)

What is the Eternal Destiny of the Human Soul? (New Church)

Marriage in Heaven? (Q&A)

Hebrews, Book of

Hebrews 1 (New Church)

Hebrews 2 (New Church)


(see Hades, Gehenna)


The Spirit of the Law (Article)

Herod Antipas

The Nabateans and the Bible (New Church Video)

High Holy Days

The High Holy Days (Article)

What is the Ceremony of Tashlich? (Q&A)

Holy Sepulcher

The Binding of Isaac and the Site of Calvary (Q&A)

Holy Spirit

How does the Holy Spirit fit into the Trinity? (Q&A)

Is God Three? (Q&A)

Should Speaking in Tongues be Required? (Q&A)


The Valley of Jezreel in Prophecy (Hosea 1) (Blog)

Human Sacrifice

The Binding of Isaac (Article)


The Binding of Isaac (Article)

The Binding of Isaac (New Church)

The Binding of Isaac and the Site of Calvary (Q&A)

Here Now, But Not Yet (Q&A)


Isaiah 11 (New Church)

Isaiah 56 (Q&A)

Can we command God (Isa. 45:11)? (Blog Q&A)

Islam, Arab History

Is Allah God? (Q&A)

The Nabateans and the Bible (New Church Sermon)

Israel, Land of

Scripture Garden I (New Church)

Scripture Garden II (New Church)

The Land of Israel (New Church)

Israel, Modern

Where Do You Fit into History? (New Church, 2nd half)

Is a Palestinian State a Good Idea? (Q&A)

Two "Returns" of the Jewish People? (Q&A)

Israel, Northern Kingdom of

(see Ten Tribes of Israel)


Jacob’s Trip to Haran and Back (New Church)

Jacob’s Vision at Bethel (New Church)

What is the Importance of Shechem? (Q&A)

Why do Bible translations translate names? (Q&A)


(see also Calvary, site of)

The Laws of Noah (Article, 1st half)

The Rod of an Almond Tree in God’s Master Plan (Review)


Jesse Tree/Advent Calendar Bible Verses  (Blog)


(see also Yeshua, Trinity, Sermon on the Mount)

Jesus of Nazareth (Seminar)

Why Did Jesus Curse the Fig Tree? (Blog)

Who is Jesus? (Article)

Who is the Messiah? (Article)

The Spirit of the Law (Article)

Prosperity (Article)

Marriage, Divorce, and Singleness (Article, 2nd half)

Crossing the Red Sea (Article, 2nd half)

The Baptism of Jesus (Article)

The Messianic Judge (Article)

Did Jesus Claim to be God? (Article)

Did Jesus Claim to be God? (New Church)

The Prophet Like Moses (Article)

Is Jesus Eligible to be the Messiah? (Article)

Jesus’ Last Week: Palm Sunday and Passover (New Church)

Jesus’ Last Week: Crucifixion and Resurrection (New Church)

Is Jesus a False Prophet? (Q&A)

Did Jesus Die Before Pesach (Passover)? (Q&A)

Was Jesus Crucified on a Friday? (Q&A)

How can Jesus be the Messiah? (Q&A)

Is Joseph Jesus’ Father? (Q&A)

Who Killed Jesus? (Q&A)

Is Jesus the Son of a Human Father? (Q&A)

Is Jesus’ Hebrew name Yeshua or Yahshua? (Q&A)

Have Gentile Christians been worshipping Zeus? (Q&A)

How can the Messiah be David’s Son? (Q&A)

Is Jesus God? (Q&A)

How does the Holy Spirit fit into the Trinity? (Q&A)

The Gifts of the Wise Men (Q&A)

Long Hair a Disgrace? (Q&A)

Eden in Baghdad? part 3:

Did Jesus Marry? (Q&A)

Jewish Roots of Christianity

The Jewish Roots of Christianity (Book)

The Jewish Roots of Christianity (Seminar)

Did Jesus Claim to be God? (Article)

Who is Jesus? (Article)

Why Should Christians Care about the Jewish Roots of Christianity? (Article)

Have Gentile Christians been worshipping Zeus? (Q&A)

The Jewish Roots of Christianity? (Q&A)


The Valley of Jezreel in Prophecy (Blog)


Job 1:1-12 (Article)

Job 1:13-22 (Article)

Job 2-3 (Article)

Job 4-5 (Article)

Job 6-7 (Article)

Job 8-9 (Article)

Job 10-11 (Article)

Job 13-14 (Article)


The Book of Joel and the Valley of Jehoshaphat (Video)

John the Baptist

The Baptism of Jesus (Article)

Jordan River, Jordan Valley

Like Little Children (Article)

The Baptism of Jesus (Article)

Sodom and Gomorrah (Article)

Joseph (Old Testament)

Why was Joseph buried in Shechem? (Blog)

Joseph (New Testament)

Is Joseph Jesus’ Father? (Q&A)


(see also Yeshua)

Yehoshua or Y’hoshua? (Q&A)


(see also Prophecy)

The Messianic Judge (Article)

Will We be Judged by our Works? (Q&A)

The Final Judgment (Q&A)

Lake of Fire

(see Gehenna, Revelation, Prophecy

Last Supper of Jesus

(see Passover)

Law of Messiah

(see also Gentile Christians, Messianic Jews)

The Spirit of the Law (Article)

Understanding Alfred Edersheim’s “The Law in Messianic Times” (Blog)

Must Gentile Christians Obey the Law of Moses? (Q&A)

Was the Law Given as a Requirement? (Q&A)

Are the Ten Commandments Separate from the Law of Moses? (Q&A)

Should Gentile Christians Gradually Conform to the Law of Moses? (Q&A)

How can Jesus be the Messiah? (Q&A)

Law of Moses

Is the Law of Moses for Everyone? (Blog)

The Spirit of the Law (Article)

The Laws of Noah (Article)

Was the Law Given as a Requirement? (Q&A)

Are the Ten Commandments Separate from the Law of Moses? (Q&A)

Is the Church under a Curse for not Obeying the Law of Moses (Q&A)

Should Gentile Christians Gradually Conform to the Law of Moses? (Q&A)

Thoughts about God’s Law (Q&A)

What did Abraham know of the Law (Torah) of God? (Q&A)

Laws of Noah

(see also Gentile Christians)

The Jewish Roots of Christianity (Seminar)

The Laws of Noah (Article)

The Three Exceptions: Theological necessity or practical concession? (Q&A)

Must Gentile Christians Obey the Law of Moses? (Q&A)

Israelites or Gentiles? (Q&A)

Are the Ten Commandments Separate from the Law of Moses? (Q&A)

Is Obedience to the Law of Moses Required of Gentile Christians? (Q&A)

Is Right Standing with God the Result of Perfect Obedience? (Q&A)

Is the Church under a Curse for not Obeying the Law of Moses (Q&A)

The Two House Movement (Q&A, 2nd half)

Children of Noah, Children of Abraham? (Q&A)

Why aren’t all the Laws of Noah mentioned in Acts 15? (Q&A)

What did Abraham know of the Law (Torah) of God? (Q&A)

How can Jesus be the Messiah? (Q&A)


(see Dinosaurs)

Lost Tribes

(see Ten Tribes of Israel)


(see Sodom and Gomorrah, Abraham)


Jesus of Nazareth, Lecture 3 (Seminar)

The Gifts of the Wise Men (Q&A)


(see also Women)

Marriage, Divorce, and Singleness (Article)

The Teaching of David Instone-Brewer on Divorce (Q&A)

Is Adultery Grounds for Divorce? (Q&A)

Is the Du Tillet Hebrew Matthew Reliable? (Q&A)

Marriage in Heaven? (Q&A)

Will Babies be Born in the Millennium? (Q&A)

Eden in Baghdad? (part 3:

Did Jesus Marry?) (Q&A)


(see also Genealogy of Jesus)

Is Joseph Jesus’ Father? (Q&A)

Why do Bible translations translate names? (Q&A)


A Hebrew Matthew and Jerome (Q&A)

Is the Du Tillet Hebrew Matthew Reliable? (Q&A)

Messenger of the Lord

(see Angel of the Lord)


(see Jesus)

Messianic Jews

(see also Law of Messiah)

The Messianic Seal of the Jerusalem Church (Q&A)

Is Messianic Judaism the One True Christianity? (Q&A)

Why do Messianic Jews Obey the Law of Moses? (Q&A)

Children of Noah, Children of Abraham? (Q&A, 2nd half)

Two "Returns" of the Jewish People? (Q&A)

Gentile Christians and Messianic Jewish Fellowships (Q&A)

Messianic Kingdom

(see Millennium)


(see also Prophecy)

The Lament of the Land (Micah 7) (Blog)


(see Baptism, Ritual Cleanness)


(see also Prophecy)

Did Jesus Believe in the Millennium? (Blog)

Neglected Issues in the Debate over the Millennium (Article)

Messianic Kingdom II (New Church)

Messianic Kingdom I (New Church)

No Rain in the Millennium? (Q&A)

Will Babies be Born in the Millennium (Q&A)


Do We All Have To Be Missionaries? (Q&A)

Should Missionaries Take Nothing with Them? (Q&A)


Mormon Questions (Q&A)


(see also Exodus)

Crossing the Red Sea (Article)

The Prophet Like Moses (Article)

The Search for the Real Mt. Sinai (Review)

Is Jabel El Laws Mt. Sinai? (Q&A)

Why did God want to kill Moses (Exo. 4:24-25)? (Blog Q&A)

Mt. of Olives

The Chapel of the Ascension in Jerusalem (Location)

The Pater Noster Church in Jerusalem (Location)

The Rod of an Almond Tree in God’s Master Plan (Review)

Mt. Sinai

(see Sinai)


(see Islam)


Worship Music

Hebrew Songs


The Nabateans and the Bible (New Church Video)

Name of God

(see Yahweh)

Names in the Bible

(see also Yahweh, Yeshua)

Why do Bible translations translate names? (Q&A)

Yehoshua or Y’hoshua? (Q&A)


Long Hair a Disgrace? (Q&A)


The Messianic Judge (Article)

Did Jesus Claim to be God? (Article, 2nd half)

New Covenant

Is the New Covenant only with Israel and Judah? (Q&A)

New Heavens and New Earth

(see Revelation)


(see also Laws of Noah)

The Laws of Noah (Article)

Noah’s Flood (New Church)

Children of Noah, Children of Abraham? (Q&A)

Why aren’t all the Laws of Noah mentioned in Acts 15? (Q&A)


What is the Eternal Destiny of the Human Soul? (New Church)

Abraham’s Bosom (part 1) (Q&A)

The Final Judgment (Q&A)

Passover, Passover Meal

Passover Meal (Booklet)

When was Jesus’ Last Supper? (Q&A)

Did Jesus Die Before Pesach (Passover)? (Q&A)

Meaning of the Passover Seder (Q&A)

Passover Meal Introduction (Booklet)

Passover Meal Preparation Instructions (Booklet)

Passover Meal Songs (Booklet)

Hebrew Songs (Music)


The Book of Ephesians (Article)

Marriage, Divorce, and Singleness (Article)

To The Ephesians (Booklet)

What did Paul mean in his rebuke of Peter in Galatians 2:11-14? (Q&A)

Did Paul Change His Name? (Q&A)

Prayer Shawls and Head Coverings (Q&A)

Pentecost (the Feast of Weeks, Shavuot)

The Tithe and Other Taxes (Article)

Who was in the Upper Room? (Q&A)


Like Little Children (Article)


(see Passover)


Who is the Messiah? (Article)

Was Peter ever in Rome? (Q&A)

The Travels of Peter (Q&A)

Was Peter Black? (Q&A)

Petra in Jordan

The Binding of Isaac (Article)

The Nabateans and the Bible (New Church Video)


If the Philistines were Greeks, why did they worship Dagon? (Blog)


Images of Prayer in the Worship of Israel (New Church)

Tassels (New Church)

Prayer Shawls and Head Coverings (Q&A)


The Two Witnesses of Revelation 11 (Blog)

The Revelation of Jesus Christ to John (Seminar)

Who is the Antichrist? (Blog)

Psalm 97 and the Return of the Messiah (Blog)

Did Jesus Believe in the Millennium? (Blog)

The Valley of Jezreel in Prophecy (Hosea 1) (Blog)

Neglected Issues in the Debate over the Millennium (Article)

The Pater Noster Church in Jerusalem (Location)

Will We be Judged by our Works? (Q&A)

The Final Judgment (Q&A)

No Rain in the Millennium? (Q&A)

Is a Palestinian State a Good Idea? (Q&A)

Will Babies be Born in the Millennium (Q&A)

Two Returns of the Jewish People? (Q&A)

Has Ezekiel 40-48 been fulfilled? (Q&A)

Here Now, But Not Yet (Q&A)

Prophet Like Moses

Who is the Messiah? (Article)

The Prophet Like Moses (Article)


Prosperity (Article)

Do We All Have to be Missionaries? (Q&A)

Is the Pursuit of Wealth in Conflict with Jesus’ Teachings? (Q&A)

Is the Problem with Wealth Merely the Attitude of the Heart toward Money? (Q&A)

Does the Success of the Gospel Depend on Wealth? (Q&A)

Should Missionaries Take Nothing with Them? (Q&A)

Protestant Reformation

The Tower of Babel (Article, 2nd half)


Psalm 23 (Blog)

Psalm 29 (Article)

Psalm 30 (Music on YouTube)

Psalm 58 (Article)

Psalm 85 (Music)

Psalm 97 and the Return of the Messiah (Blog)

Psalm 105 (Music on YouTube)

Psalm 122 (Article)

Psalm 134 (Article)


(see also Dead Sea Scrolls)

The Baptism of Jesus (Article)

Red Sea

Crossing the Red Sea (Article)

The Search for the Real Mt. Sinai (Review)

Ron Wyatt and the Exodus (Q&A)

Was the Feast of Unleavened Bread Celebrated at the Time of the Exodus? (Q&A)

Sinai or Saudi Arabia? (Q&A)

North Sinai and the Gulf of Aqaba en route to Mt. Sinai? (Q&A)

Three Days to the Sea of Reeds? (Q&A)

Change in the Desert, Reeds in the Sea? (Q&A)


(see also Prophecy, Revelation)

Did Jesus Rise on the Sabbath? (Q&A)

The Final Judgment (Q&A)

Revelation, Book of

(see also Prophecy)

The Two Witnesses of Revelation 11 (Blog)

The Revelation of Jesus Christ to John (Book)

The Revelation of Jesus Christ to John (Seminar)

Lecture #1: The First Vision of Revelation (Rev. 1:1-5:14) (Book excerpt)

Lecture #2: Revelation 6:15-7:10 (Video: English and Chinese)

Lecture #2: Revelation 7:11-8:11 (Video: English and Chinese)

Lecture #2: Revelation 8:12-10:7 (Video: English and Chinese)

Lecture #2: Revelation 10:8-11:7 (Video: English and Chinese)

Lecture #2: Revelation 11:8-11:19 (Video: English and Chinese)

Lecture #3: Revelation 12:1-13:8 (Video: English and Chinese)

Lecture #3: Revelation 13:9-14:3 (Video: English and Chinese)

Lecture #3: Revelation 14:4-20 (Video: English and Chinese)

Lecture #4: Revelation 15:1-17:13 (Video: English and Chinese)

Lecture #4: Revelation 17:14-18:10 (Video: English and Chinese)

Lecture #4-5: Revelation 18:11-19:18 (Video: English and Chinese)

Neglected Issues in the Debate over the Millennium (Article)

Will We be Judged by our Works? (Q&A)

The Final Judgment (Q&A)

Who are the 144,000? (Q&A)

Ritual Bath

(see Baptism)

Rosh Hashanah

The High Holy Days (Article)

What is the Ceremony of Tashlich? (Q&A)


Sabbath for Non-Jews? (Q&A)

Is it Wrong to Worship on Sunday? (Q&A)

Did Jesus Rise on the Sabbath? (Q&A)

Does the Law of the Sabbath command Worship on a Particular Day? (Q&A)

Sabbath for Gentiles? (Q&A)

Welcoming the Sabbath: A Messianic Sabbath Celebration (Booklets)

Welcoming the Sabbath: Christian Historial Version (Booklets)


Does Satan Know Our Thoughts? (Q&A)

Sea of Galilee

Who is the Messiah? (Article)

The Spirit of the Law (Article)

Prosperity (Article)

Did Jesus Claim to be God? (Article, 2nd half)

Sea Peoples

(see Philistines)


(see Calendar)


(see Passover)

Sermon on the Mount

The Spirit of the Law (Article)

Sermon on the Mount III (New Church)

Sermon on the Mount II (New Church)

Sermon on the Mount I (New Church)


Why was Joseph Buried in Shechem? (Blog)

What is the Importance of Shechem? (Q&A)


(see Hades)

Sinai, Mt. Sinai

Crossing the Red Sea (Article)

The Search for the Real Mt. Sinai (Review)

Bones and Chariot Wheels in the Gulf of Aqaba? (Q&A)

Sea Crossing at Nuweiba? (Q&A)

Ron Wyatt and the Exodus (Q&A)

Was the Feast of Unleavened Bread Celebrated at the Time of the Exodus? (Q&A)

Is Jabel El Laws Mt. Sinai? (Q&A)

Sinai or Saudi Arabia? (Q&A)

North Sinai and the Gulf of Aqaba en route to Mt. Sinai? (Q&A)

Three Days to the Sea of Reeds? (Q&A)


Does the Bible Condone Slavery? (Blog)

Slavery and the Bible (Q&A)

Sodom and Gomorrah

Sodom and Gomorrah (Article)

Sodom and Gomorrah (New Church)

Where is Sodom? (New Church Video)

Sons of God

(see also Angels)

The Sons of God in Genesis 6:2-4  (Blog)

Spirit, Holy

(see Holy Spirit)


(see Heptapegon)


What is the Ceremony of Tashlich? (Q&A)


Tassels (New Church)

Tav Mark

(see Cross, sign of the)

Temple Mount

Clean and Unclean (Article)

The Temples that Jerusalem Forgot (Review)

The Chariot (Article, 2nd half)

The Binding of Isaac and the Site of Calvary (Q&A)

Sacred Geometry: Unlocking the Secrets of the Temple Mount (Review)

Ten Commandments

Are the Ten Commandments Separate from the Law of Moses? (Q&A)

Ten Tribes of Israel

(see also Gentile Christians)

The Ten Tribes (Article)

Northern Tribes in Judah? (Q&A)

Does the Messianic Israel Association teach British Israelism? (Q&A)

Messianic Israel (Q&A)

The Two House Movement (Q&A)

Are Gentile Christians the Ten Lost Tribes? (Q&A)

Are Jews and Israelites Two Different Groups of People? (Q&A)

Who are the 144,000? (Q&A)


The Tithe and Other Taxes (Article)

Is the Tithe Commanded in the New Covenant? (Q&A)

The Poor Man’s Tithe (Q&A)

Why So Many Feasts and Sacrifices? (Q&A)


(see Law of Moses, Law of Messiah, Laws of Noah)


The Prophet Like Moses (Article)

Trinity, Tri-unity

(see also Yahweh, Yeshua, Jesus, Holy Spirit)

The Non-Trinitarian Views of Eric Chang (Q&A)

Is Jesus a False Prophet? (Q&A)

How can the Messiah be David’s Son? (Q&A)

How does the Holy Spirit fit into the Trinity? (Q&A)

Is God Three? (Q&A)

The Zohar and the Targums (Q&A)

Abraham’s Bosom (part 2) (Q&A)


Was Peter Black? (Q&A)

Walking on Water

Who is the Messiah? (Article, 2nd half)

Wise Men

(see Magi)


(see also Marriage)

Women in Ministry (Q&A)


Will We be Judged by our Works? (Q&A)

The Final Judgment (Q&A)

Yahweh, Yehuah

(see also Trinity, Triunity)

Yahweh or Yehuah? (Q&A)

Is Yahweh the Name of God? (Q&A)

Is Jesus’ Hebrew name Yeshua or Yahshua? (Q&A)


(see also Jesus)

Isaiah 56 (Q&A, 2nd half)

Is Jesus’ Hebrew name Yeshua or Yahshua? (Q&A)

Yeshu or Yeshua? (Q&A)

Yom Teruah (the Feast of Trumpets)

The High Holy Days (Article)


The Tithe and Other Taxes (Article)


No Rain in the Millennium? (Q&A)


The Tower of Babel (Article)

The Tower of Babel (New Church)